03 March 2025


Paysafe is a third party supplier which is integrated with ebs to process online payments. You must contact Paysafe to agree a contract.

When you have negotiated a contract and been through the testing process with Paysafe you are ready to start the configuration with ebs. At this point you should have received a URL from Paysafe that is specific to your organisation.

Refer to the Paysafe website for further information about error codes.

The institution settings for Paysafe are configured on the following screens (accessed from the Product Modules pane):

The following configuration information for Paysafe is also applicable:

The data sent to Paysafe when making a payment is described in the following table.

Value Source Notes
PublicToken Payment Account Key Sent in the JS in PaySafe.aspx when setting up the payment iframe
amount The total amount being paid -
holderName The Full Name of the person making the payment -
currency 'GBP', 'AUD' or 'NZD' Dependent on institution type
environment 'TEST' or 'LIVE' 'TEST' if PaymentProviderTestMode = True
companyName Organisation Name institution setting -
account.CC Payment Account ID -
threeDS.useThreeDSecureVersion2 True or false Used to enable 3DS2 security. If payment mode is staff then false, otherwise true
billingAddress.country ISO2 country code populated from a drop-down Drop-down values built from verifiers in ISO_ALPHA_2_COUNTRY_CODE domain
billingAddress.zip Postcode from payment person details Mandatory for 3DS2 verification
billingAddress.street AddressLine1 from payment person details Mandatory for 3DS2 verification

The data sent to Paysafe when a payment is verified is described in the following table.

Value Source Notes
amount The total amount being paid -
firstName The forename from the payment details -
lastName The surname from the payment details -
email The email address from the payment details -

Refer to PCI Compliance for further information about how ebs interacts with Paysafe.